We've been having extremely rainy days and flooding in Inland Southern California.

We advise all: Buy stock in towel-making industries!
Meantime, sometimes a wolfhound just needs a good raincoat.
Here Miss Liberty models ours.
It was made by Alexis Montgomery, Montshire Irish Wolfhounds.

©Pat Murkland
Before we got this raincoat, we tried blankets made for miniature horses.
(But no, we don"t have that saddle anymore, in case you wanted to ask.
Hunter ate it.)
That raincoat looks suspiciously like a Hefty bag. Maybe it's just the dark green color. :) BTW, Liberty is just adorable. Seamus and Maeve say hello.
LOL, thanks, I think we would need an XXXLHefty. It is actually a very sparkly waterproof fabric. No matter, it sure works wonders when it's raining so hard it seems as though fire hoses are aimed at the windows. Because of course that's when they NEED! to! GO! OUT! NOW!!!
where can i get one of these??? or two...
I can ask Alexis if she's making them for sale. We won ours in a raffle. This surely was our lucky day.
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